The 2024/2025 school year is now live and available for selection in the dropdown menu

Student Growth 

A new way of watching students go from point A to point B.

Teachers, start simply by clicking on "View My Classes" in the menu above

For Administration, Login, and then click on reports in the Administration Tab.


Compare Class Progress

Measure growth of one class against another.

Measure teacher growth over semesters

Compare Departments.

Mobile Optimized

Enter grades from the comfort of an ipad or mobile device.

Administrative Reports

  • All teachers (administration/view all)
  • All teachers w/ details (administration/View Teachers w/Detail)
  • One Teacher/All Classes - (Click on any teacher under Administration/View All Teachers)
  • Department Chairs - (Administration/View Departments... see all averages, click on dept for more info)
  • Change Log